2010년 11월 16일 화요일

#8 Possibility will be Reality (Last Holiday, 2006)


      The movie I saw is 'last holiday'. If you have just only 3 weeks to live, what should you do? Let me think about it first, my answer is why me?  I want to live so long!!!

      The main actor is Georgia Bird who work for department store. She is a shy person and work very hard as people do for the future. She has a album book that is consisted with photos, phamplets for her dreams named 'Possibility'. It's Christmas season. She was hit by shelf at her work place by accidents and as a results of fact, she found out she's got disease. Doctor said she can live only three weeks. However, unfortunately there's no way to treat her disease. So she sold out all her assets and decide to go abroad where she really wanted to go to Hotel. After making her decision, her life has changed. She does whatever she wants. Georgia got a lot of experiences that she dreamed. End of this movie, her 'Possibility book' has change into 'Reality book.' She has her own restaurant with her prince and she is with people who love her so much!. The movie gives us whenever we want to do something, dream ourselves, and it can be real!!

     It was great movie. After I saw this movie, I want to go to Europe next Summer vacation. Time never comes back. I don't want to regret by myself. Whatever I want to do something, dream myself, and just do it right now!! Do not hesitate. Time flies. 

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