It is better for children to grow up in a countryside than a big city. In a countryside, children are aquaited with nature and they grow up very heathily with a fresh air. There are many reasons I support living in a countryside.
Nowadays people tend to go back to countryside for children. The children growing up in a big city usually stay at a building which is sorrounded with polluted area. So they suffer from diseases such as athma, atopy skin. It’s because their immune system isn’t so strong. However children living in a countryside stay near mountains, and streams. It helps children boost immunity so that they are healty.
Usually people think educational facility is not enough in a countryside. But it is not true. Nature is the best place for studying. It is not neccessary to have a good equipment, or facillity for studying. When I was young I don't need many exercise equipment, I have only my own bycicle. And I have many friends who can play with me and plenty of time for playing. I think plenty of time they can enjoy themselves in a countryside.
I am curious that why people are eager to live in a big city. Maybe lots of jobs are existed in a city. In my opinion, If they have their own job in a countryside, it would be perfect place for children to grow up.
I agree with you. I think it is much better for children