2010년 12월 19일 일요일

#15 Let's start holiday!!!

Hey! guys!

How's going you guys?

Time goes really fast.

I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day.
The exam will be finished tommorrow.
That means vacation will be started! hahaha!!

Let's have fun!!!!

2010년 12월 5일 일요일

#14 APA Citations :)

 Suggested Syllabus for a One Semester
 Applications Oriented CourseThe following syllabus is designed for a course where the goal is to teach students how to use databases to construct applications. Details of database internals are kept to the minimum.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Introducation to the Relational Model
Chapter 3: Intoduction to SQL
Chapter 4: Intermediate SQL
Chapter 5: Advanced SQL
Sections 5.4 onwards can be deferred or omitted.
Chapter 6: Other Relational Languages
Sections 6.1 (Relational Algebra) may be covered in brief.
Sections 6.2 (Tuple Relational Calculus) and 6.3 Domain Relational Calculus) may be omitted.
Chapter 7: Entity-Relationship Model
Chapter 8: Relational Database Design
Chapter 9: Application Design and Development
Chapter 10: Storage and File Structure
Sections 10.3 (RAID), 10.4 (Tertiary Storage) and 10.8 (Database Buffer) may be omitted if desired.
Chapter 11: Indexing and Hashing
Cover only Sections 11.1 through 11.3 (B+-tree Index Files) with a brief outline of Section 11.5 (Multiple Key Access) and 11.6 (Static Hashing), and the idea of Dynamic Hashing.
Chapter 12: Query Processing
Section 12.1 (Overview) should be covered. We suggest you cover Section 12.2 (Measures of Query Cost) as well as Section 12.5 (Join Operation) as far as time permits.
Chapter 14: Transactions
Chapter 20: Data Warehousing and Mining
We do not recommend covering this chapter in detail, but students should be to the concepts covered here, and in Section 5.6 (OLAP) and the chapter may be used as self-study material.

Avi Silberschatz ,Henry F. Korth ,S. Sudarshan  (2010, Jan) Database System Concepts Sixth Edition.New York:McGraw-Hill.

#13 MLA Citations

My favorite quotes from Ed Catmull’s talk at The Economist:

On the Socratic ideal of admitting ignorance:
“We’ve got these successful things going on and we mis-perceive how we got there. Or who the influences are. And we draw these wrong ideas and we then make a series of mistakes which are not well grounded in reality. Which means the things that are happening now that are wrong at Pixar are already happening and I can’t see them. And I have to start with that premise. And through all the history.. there is something going on here and I don’t know what it is.”

  "Inside Pixar's Leadership."  19 April. 2010. 6 Dec. 2010 


2010년 11월 28일 일요일

#12 Living in a city for children is better.

          Why people want to live in a city than a countryside? In my opinion, there are lots of educational facilities and lots of people in a city. That's why parents prefer to live in a city.

          First of all, in a countryside there are only limited worikings provided. Contrary to countryside, there are lots of jobs in a city so that it is pretty good for young couple to raise their children. While they are working, they can ask their children to child care center. So they feel relieved. The young couple can get a job which can be professional. For these kinds of reasons young couple wants to live in a city.

       It is no doubt that children growing up in a countryside are well- immune and healthy. But there are lots of way to get strong. For example, during the weekends, going outside of the city to travel, climbing mountain, or going to park near the city. It can be very helpful for their body. More over, it is very useful to use facillity which are gymnasiums, or libraries. So children would be very healthy in body and mind.

       For the future society, it is the trend that couple shoud be working together. It is quite effective that living in a city and using a good facillity to raise their children.

#11 Living in a countryside for children

It is better for children to grow up in a countryside than a big city.  In a countryside, children are aquaited with nature and they grow up very heathily with a fresh air. There are many reasons I support living in a countryside.

Nowadays people tend to go back to countryside for children. The children growing up in a big city usually stay at a building which is sorrounded with polluted area. So they suffer from diseases such as athma, atopy skin. It’s because their immune system isn’t so strong. However children living in a countryside stay near mountains, and streams. It helps children boost immunity so that they are healty.

Usually people think educational facility is not enough in a countryside. But it is not true. Nature is the best place for studying. It is not neccessary to have a good equipment, or facillity for studying. When I was young I don't need many exercise equipment, I have only my own bycicle. And I have many friends who can play with me and plenty of time for playing. I think plenty of time they can enjoy themselves in a countryside.

I am curious that why people are eager to live in a big city. Maybe lots of jobs are existed in a city. In my opinion, If they have their own job in a countryside, it would be perfect place for children to grow up.

2010년 11월 20일 토요일

#10 Playing alone freely with snowcat ;)

 Are you sick and tired of playing with people?
 Do you want to play yourself?
 Here's my choice for you! It's for you :D
 It's book for person who have plenty of time!
 Don't forget it!! You're not alone. You just enjoy your freedom, aren't you?

In this book, there are lots of funny stories that will make you happy.
The cute character snowcat will bring you to lazy and unforgettable life!

If you are ready to join this life, just buy it. It is only $9.
You can buy by online!

Before you buy it! you can enjoy this blog! here's link

Sorry to say that it is written in Korean.
But don't worries! you will understand when you see the drawing!

       'Under the table' 
       - you can spend time under the tables, or chairs, or ever

      'The way of turning off the light'
      - you can call your mom, but there's unexpected punishment ;)'

#9 Japan is getting on bandwagon

     Rakuten online company in Japan make a new policy that all employees who work for Rakuten should communicate in English by 2012. It is not only a problem of Rakuten company. Other companies in japan are rush to use English. Because English is a global languge of business. Service industry in Japan is about 70 percent of GDP. That's why Japanese goverment and Japanese company make an effort to establish good policies to learn English. However, the problem is that Japanese people learn just only learn vocabulary and grammar for passing the exam. After finishing the test, most of them forget it. So English education of  high school will be taught in English by 2013.

     It is needless to say that English is global language. It is not only Asian countries problems, but also Europe contries, all around the world's problems, either. But I think Japan, and Korea have the difficulty of learing English. Because they learn just only reading part of Enliglish. English is one of languages that means communication is important. In my opinion, if they learn speaking and communication first, it is easy to say their opinion. Most important is communication.